So this week you turned 2 months old. Wow you’re growing up so fast. You’re starting to smile more, and sleep a little better. You have a routine now where you only wake up once a night usually, and it’s at 4am. Then you’re up the day around 7:30 in which you go back to sleep around 10.
We took you to see Dr. Cummings this week for your normal checkup. You were 12lbs 10oz and was 23 inches long. We give you tummy time every day. You ALMOST rolled over this week but got stuck half way. I am kinda glad you did though because mommy was at work and I didn’t want her to miss it.
Lots has been going on in the news this week. Libya leader Mommar Kadaffy was killed. Also, President Obama declared the end of the Iraq war over. He said our troops would be home by the end of the year. That’s fantastic news!!! Our troops are still in Afghanistan though. Hopefully they will be home soon too.
Well buddy I will write again soon. I love you to the moon!