What an amazing and exciting week it’s been for you. Thursday night, you slept through the night for the first time. We put you to bed at 9pm, and you didn’t wake up until 7:30am. That was amazing! Who would have thought it would have taken almost 3 months but you did it! Kobie slept through the night when he was a month old. That’s okay though, I don’t mind getting up with you in the middle of the night. I just like sleep too you know! 🙂
Last night, you also rolled over for the first time! You’d been trying but only got half way but last night you actually rolled all of the way over from your back to your tummy. I clapped and told you how big you were. You were shocked at first and didn’t know what to do. Then you rolled over from your tummy, back to your back. Once you got the hang of it, you kept going back and forth. I think you were having a lot of fun doing it! This morning you rolled over in your bed. You weren’t happy though because you hit the side of the bed and was looking out. I rolled you back over and you were happy. 🙂 You’re such a happy baby and I’m very fortunate to have my miracle baby.